Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It’s a dog’s life

Ahhhh, the lackey can stay in my employ a while longer. She obviously realised her skills were falling way short and invited her very experienced lackey Pop and his alpha female down for a visit to help her cover me in attention as I deserve. Pop continues to give me treats even when the lackey tells him not to – which he is absolutely correct in doing. Nanna now lets me cuddle up and sleep on her leg and even finds me adorable – which is true. The lackey seems to have given in completely and I get to pick my spot on the big bed first these days. I even got to nap on the lounge early last night as it was raining and we couldn’t go on our lap then they all sat down to watch that deeveedee thingy Humans seem to like. It’s just noise to me. I’m not sure though if it’s solely Nanna and Pop that have brought about this new luxury or if it’s guilt over keeping this damn cone on my neck. I still can’t lick anywhere I need to and the lackey gets one of them to hold me while she shoves cold wet drops in my ear morning and night. I haven’t bitten her for that because it does actually make my head feel better. But I can’t lick myself and that’s making me sulky which makes Pop give me treats. Back to the old balance of doggy life - take with one paw give with the other.

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