Friday, May 14, 2010

Dull dull dull

The lackey has been at work every day, she comes home, we have dinner, we go for a walk, we play tug-of-war, we sit on the lounge, we go to bed. During the day, Nanna and Pop have been going off too so my day-time snacks have dried up and the power struggles over who gets to sit on my bed aren’t happening. We went to see Dylan and his lackey the other evening but even that was pretty uneventful. The humans had dinner together, I got fed at home before we went over so Dylan and I only got treats from Nanna at his place. We ran about in the yard a bit but it was cold and Dylan is old now so he went back inside and I was bored after only a few minutes and went back in with everyone. I tried to get Dylan to play chasey in the house but he wasn’t up for it. My plastic cone is still on my head, the lackey is still putting the cold drops in my ear but it doesn’t hurt any more. The lackey did slip the cone off for our walk last night but I was too busy picking up my pee-mail to care. Oh, we did see one of those toy dogs that are the size of rats over the other side of the park but the lackey made it quite clear that I was not allowed to go over and tell the thing it wasn’t a real dog.

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