Sunday, May 9, 2010

Good and bad

I have mentioned before my idea of balance in the world – take with one paw and give with the other – and today was a fine example of this. We slept in, had cuddles, a nice breakfast but then it got confusing and I got in trouble when Nana and Pop got to breakfast and I cried for treats. I got my rubber cone filled with peanut butter and chased it all over the kitchen but threw up coz I ate too much too quick. Nanna and Pop drove off for the day but I little later Dylan and his lackey came over to play. Dylan found one of my missing bones but then pissed on it so I couldn’t eat it. The lackey got in some reading time but then Nanna and Pop didn’t come back on time and she got a bit worried. Nanna and Pop came home happy after an unexpected meeting turned out to be very fun but the lackey was cross that Nanna had broken the rule about phone calls and lateness. The humans had a very yummy meal and the lackey was thanked and praised but Dylan and I got frigging nothing. Dylan got pats off my lackey but his lackey was too interested in her book to pat me – I complained to Dylan about this and got snarled at. Bastard. The lackey understood and stopped patting Dylan and cuddled up to me on the lounge but still didn’t give me my dinner! All the humans got to watch telly and really liked someone called The Doctor, Dylan and I got ignored for a while. Dylan and his lackey went home but I finally got my tea! The lackey was still worried about me throwing up earlier so hand fed me my dinner – okay so no bad for me in that one! I was allowed to nap on the lackey’s lap but she used my tiredness to sneak some more ear drops in. Pop had taken my collar and bucket off but the lackey made him put it back on. See - good and bad in everything.

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