It’s been cold and raining and the lackey is ill so we haven’t been walking at night. Inadequate. So I demanded we play tug-of-war until one of us dies. Fair enough I thought. So we did. The lackey got a fresh rope out the cupboard and we went for it. I was swung around and lifted up and the lackey’s fingers got sore from trying to hang on when I twisted and it was awesome. We mussed up the covers on the lounge room carpet much to Nanna’s annoyance. We bumped into the little table and the lackey was momentarily worried about my skull until I showed her my balance was superb as usual. We bonked into the big boxes that noise comes out of when the lackey watches telly really loud, that made the lackey squeal at me to be careful but she was the one swinging me on the rope at the time… It was fun and we declared it a draw as we were both nicely puffed from the game. This is what lackey’s are for!