Friday, April 9, 2010

Victory is mine!

The Lackey has given up trying to get me to sleep in the hallway on my mat. And the tool for my successful move to the big bed? Sleep deprivation. As I have all day to sleep under the ash tree, I figured why not do all the hard work at night? So I kept up the crying and the scratching and the woofing and banging about the house whenever the lackey said “Lucy, on your mat”. This kept the lackey awake and when she got up to check that me and the house were still in one piece, I’d get in on the bed while she was zombie-walking the house and she was too tired to carry me out the room and then I would let her sleep soundly and snugly. The lackey only needed a week of so of this before her tiny monkey brain worked out that if she let me sleep on the big bad straight away, she got more sleep and I was quiet as a mouse. Except when I wake up and bounce the bed a few times to remind the lackey how good she’s got it by having me around. As the nights get colder and longer, I find I need a warm spot for my back for me to be comfortable – the backs of the lackey’s legs fit nicely. We sleep butt to butt with my head on her lower leg. If she dares move enough to wake me, I walk up the bed on her body, stepping where I know the soft spots are and drop onto her chest and yawn very wide with our jaws a paw width apart. Apparently waking up in the pre-dawn light to a mouthful of teeth helps your lackey keep track of what’s important.

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