Saturday, April 10, 2010

I tried – again

We went on our normal lap around the houses and the park and this takes us down the big road with the funny little house on it. As we got closer, the lackey noticed the people in the tiny house about the same time I started towing her that way. “Yes, I see the people at the bus stop too” the lackey told me. Oh good because sometimes you seems pretty blind to me. So I went up to them to say hello. The lackey seemed a bit unsure about this and made sure I was between her and the new people. Chicken hearted monkey. So I’m getting compliments and scratches from the two males – they smelled like poo and something bitter and one of them had no fur on his head at all but had bits of metal sticking out all over the place – and the lackey nervously agrees with the one with the box of bottles that yes, I am an English Staffordshire Terrier. Smart lad! Then the furless, metal faced one says he’s got a Staffy too so I give me my best smile and a tail wag. Smart lad! Then I get bored and hop down from the bench where I had stood on my hind legs to get the scratches and as we leave, the one who was leaning on the box wished us a pleasant evening. I was very happy to meet two such social humans. Once we were out of human hearing range, the lackey whispered to me – thanks, Luce, can you find ones with IQs over 80 next time? I have no idea what that is so I will ignore the request utterly. I had three pee-mails at the park and as we turned around and headed home, the two humans were walking south and drinking from their box of bottles and gave us a nice cheery wave. I thought they were nice lads even if the lackey was muttering under her breath about ‘boguns’.

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