Friday, March 26, 2010

Takeover - plan B

I think the lackey is trying to fight back with the takeover of the big bed. Apart from the fact that she’s still doing to the weird-arse thing with the lead when we go to the park, she’s now banned me from the bed of an evening. Outrageous. It’s back to the mat in the hallway for me – I don’t bloody well think so. But plan B didn’t work very well last night. She kept the door firmly shut and at lights out, I was told to get on my mat. I got close and apparently that was good enough and I expected to be let in for my obedience. No – the lackey turned the last light off and squeezed in the bedroom door and I had no chance to follow because the selfish cow shut the door in my face. But there’s more than one way to skin a cat. Once my astonishment faded, I gave it my big-dog voice and yelled at her. I got a big NO back through the still closed door. Gave it a bit of time until sounds ceased from inside, then did the ‘something’s outside’ bark and gave the door a swipe. This got the lackey out of her room but she shut the door quickly, checked the house, told me to get back on the mat and did the squeeze thing and shut me out again. Damn it. Gave it some time, listened at the door to make sure the lackey was breathing soft and steady then I went to the back door, knocked to get out and started crying. I got a big NO back through the still closed door. Sigh. Three tries was all I had in me coz I was starting to get sleepy, so I went to my mat and had a nap. After nap time, I tried the crying and scratching the bedroom door trick and THAT worked. Mind you, I think that I had swapped the lackey for a zombie by that point. To show her my displeasure at having to try so many times before I got onto the bed, I slept right against her hip with my arse under her shoulder. Hope I farted in my sleep.

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