Monday, March 29, 2010

Full moon

Ahhhh, this is my favourite time of the month. Three glorious nights when I can let my inner wolf out and we can stay up all night, barking, chasing mice and keeping the neighbour’s cats out the yard. The light last night was gorgeous. It was a little wet during the day and I’d spent the afternoon playing tug-of-war with the lackey. She wanted to watch some noisy crap on the tv and I wanted to use her grip on the handle of the rope to dislocate her shoulders. We compromised – she sat on the floor and split her attention just enough to make me decide she could keep her arms. So she thought I’d be tired because she was. The lackey is an idiot. She goes to the big bed at about the normal time but the moon was up and the backyard was filled with dappled light and looked like a faerie playground. Mind you, the little pests know to stay out of my way or they lose a wing. The big ones with long hair and carrying swords, I let the lackey deal with. So I wanted to stay out in this wonderful place and the lackey wanted to sleep. We argued, she gave up and went to bed and left the door open for me. She was muttering quite a bit by this time - tough. So I stayed out and had a romp and a bark and every now and again, I get a sleepy “cut it out” from inside that I would promptly ignore. But I knew playtime was finally over when the lackey came out onto the deck and issued the order – inside, now. Ah, that‘s the big one that says the lackey is about to do something I won’t like, so in I trotted straight to the closed bedroom door. Closed?! She calls me inside, stopping my fun and then expects me to sleep on my mat?! Right – that means war. Sit on the mat Lucy, don’t charge the door when I open it Lucy, night-night Lucy. Wait for it, wait for it… The lackey has gone quiet, the night is still and clear, wait for it… Big-dog voice – let me in! The lackey yelled a bad word at me. But hey, whatever works, right? And don’t go thinking that the lackey got away with this – I made very sure that as soon as she started dreaming, I bounced or snuffled or scratched enough to wake her back up. Sometimes you have to remind your lackey which one of you is the bitch.

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