Monday, February 1, 2010

The lackey is an idiot # 4

She gave me half a cow leg today to keep me busy while she disappeared for the day. What was I meant to do? It was far too fresh and she hadn’t diced it up and put in my dinner bowl or anything! So I didn’t touch it, not one bite. This confused the lackey no end. She kept looking at the untouched marrowbone and at me with the look that said she just didn’t get it. I tried to explain this to her by bouncing around the bone and her and then tearing off inside to do laps around my bowl and then sat at the door that hides the treats from me. This confused the lackey no end. In the end, she just left it there, more because she didn’t want to pick up anything that smelly than because it belonged where it was. She gave me other treats and I ate them to humour her.

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