Wednesday, February 10, 2010

tired lackey

A tired lackey is a useless thing that just sits around the lounge room asking me to be still. I took pity on the poor thing last night and let her sleep for more than half the small dark hours and didn’t jump on her legs until after she was awake this morning. I know, I know, far too generous but sometimes you have to give with one paw so you can take with the other. She will be playing tug-of-war with me for HOURS tonight. I guess if I want my exercise, the lackey has to be conscious. Trade-off, everything’s a trade-off. Bark less as the sun goes down, get more private time in the yard. Keep quiet at the darkest part of the night and get more play time the next day. I’ll try this for a few days and see if my lackey’s behaviour improves. If not, it’ll be back to nap, go mental, wake the lackey, pretend to need to go outside, make her open the door, look at the deck, come back in and go back to my bed while the lackey swears and bumps into things and mutters about not getting enough sleep. Yes, that sounds like a nice plan.

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