Sunday, February 28, 2010

another lackey handling tip

There will be mornings when your lackey doesn’t have to bolt out of the house after delivering your breakfast, these are the days where they will not be away from home all day and can give you more tickles. To get yourself in the good books (a happy lackey is an obedient lackey), here’s a little something I’ve used to good effect. When the lackey is asleep and the noise that makes them get moving each morning hasn’t happened, you can have naps on THEIR bed. Most lackeys complain about not liking being jumped on while asleep so the trick is to not spook them. Using your front paws only, stand up and check out where the lumpy bits are under the covers. Jump up on a flat bit of their bed and you should miss jumping onto any bits of your lackey. Carefully walk up the bed and lay down gently very close to your lackey. Snuggle and wriggle until you are tight against them – this technique works best if the lackey is on their side and facing you. One or either lackey foreleg will probably be available nearby – use it as a pillow. When the sleepy lackey cracks an eye open long enough to check which bit of you is on their arm, give them the big “gotta love me” look and blink like you’re tired. Now your lackey may be too asleep to respond verbally and may only shift a little to place the other arm across you. Victory! If they are too tired to grumble, they are too tired to make you move off! You may now take a nap on the most comfortable sleeping surface in the whole house, sure in the knowledge that your lackey-pillow is not going anywhere any time soon.

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