Sunday, January 24, 2010

The lackey is an idiot. # 3

She took me to Dylan’s again today for a longer stay. All was well, I explored the yard, I drank from his bowl (as is the right of any guest) and I peed where I judged the right spot to be. Then he looked at me the wrong way. Bastard! I had to let him know of course. Stupid male thinks that just because he’s bigger and it’s his home, he can look at me any time. He was wrong. Somewhere in the middle of the fight, I decided I was enjoying myself. That’s when the stupid lackey tried to stop the somewhat heated discussion Dylan and I were having. One of us let her know her mistake; even I am unsure which one of us it was as our jaws were quite close together at the time. But even before she could lift me from under his strong, powerful jaws, he had me by the back of the neck and I realised I had been wrong. This was his home after all and I must respect that. Still doesn’t mean I think he can be fed a treat without my pre-approval. The lackey seemed concerned that I had blood in my mouth. Stupid human. It was gone soon enough, my face is fine but my ear is a bit itchy as the scab dries. I am tough enough for a fight like this and then some. Still, I did deign to allow him to nap on the higher lounger with his lackey as I was given a chair of my own next to my lackey. I suppose it was comfortable enough as I did have a small nap myself. But the whole day left me out of sorts and to remind the lackey that dogs will be dogs, I peed on the linoleum. That’ll teach her!

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