Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Thin Ice can be Forgiven

The lackey is on very thin ice over her use of the computer at night when she should be worshipping the ground I walk on. I lie on my lounge and watch her, occasionally giving her the evil eye but the message didn’t seem to be getting through. Yes, it’s cold and rainy. Yes, the things on the computer seem to interest her more than dislocating her shoulder playing tug-of-wars with me. I do understand - which is why I haven’t scratched her leg or chewed the lines that hold the computer to the wall. But I expect equal time to that box of whirring metal. Last night, the lackey worked it out. We went on a big walk because it wasn’t actually raining. We had big cuddles on the lounge to warm us up after and I napped while the lackey did the computer thing. At a later bed time than normal, the lackey let me sit on her pillow and then lifted up the blankets so I could get down into the bottom of the bed and be toasty warm all night sleeping soundly against the lackey’s legs. So yes, I shall forgive her for the computer time… for now.

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